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Hike Society Profile

calendar_month Sunday 20th October 2024
timer 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
signal_cellular_alt Level : Easy
route Distance : 4 miles
landscape Elevation : 802 ft

Columbia Hike Society

The Columbia Hike Society is a vibrant community of outdoor enthusiasts brought together by their shared love for hiking and exploring nature. As a part of the Columbia Hike Society, we provide unforgettable adventures and opportunities for meaningful connections. Join us as we venture out to uncover new trails, build lasting friendships and fully immerse ourselves in the wonders of the natural world.

About this Hike


Shop Number 522 Second Floor, Select Citywalk Mall, Plot No, A- 3, Select Citywalk Driveway, Saket District Center, Sector 6, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017

The 4 Mile hike takes in some epic panoramic views of the Gower Peninsular including the iconic Worms head. We will cross our fingers for good weather as its possibly one of the best places to watch the sunset!